Blog Weekly Update 6/9/2024

Artist Blog
This entry is part 47 of 52 in the series Artist Blog

Blog Weekly Update 6/9/2024

My partner being the wonderful dragon that he is, suggested that instead of building a little town or fighting my brain, I could use my brain and build my cities in unreal. Since I was talking about already making it into a game. The effort would be part of the game, and part of the comic, no wasted effort. This way I can control the angle of the camera and I can take the perfect screen shot, and I can build models of my characters and place and pose them.  Since I don’t see images in my head, this will be a big help at speeding up how to figure out each shot. Right now I’m drawing the same frame multiple times trying to figure it all out. Being able to move and pose things will help.

So I spent the week researching assets I can purchase for unreal for the game, that will also allow me to start building the city immediately. I signed up for some quick tutorial classes, to refresh my brain on unreal and I spend the week working through the lessons. I should have the first class finished Monday.

So that’s the update for this week.

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Crafted By Little Dragons