Dec 12/7/2023
HB90 Day three. Time! What time do you have? How much time do you lose to Chronic illnesses, family emergencies, family time, chores, bills, grocery shopping, etc…. Waiting on computer parts. Some parts came, but still waiting on a few. The power supply came, but the fans won’t be here till tomorrow at the earliest. […]
Dec 12/6/2023
Continuing to work on HB90, Day Two, Priority lists. Down, loaded a linux app for choose your own adventure story telling, called Twine, with docs here. Thought that might be a fun addition to the website, since I’m rewriting/editing my stories. It’s html based so it might be a fun project to tie into the […]
Dec 12/4/2023
Well it’s been a fun weekend. Computer blew a connection. No stress, tension or power surges. And a port shorted out. It’s unplugged pending a cleaning and closer examination of it’s guts to determine how bad the short was. I’m stuck with my older tablet laptop, a fijitsu. It can do basically one thing at […]
Dec 12/4/2023
Well it’s been a fun weekend. Computer blew a connection. No stress, tension or power surges. And a port shorted out. It’s unplugged pending a cleaning and closer examination of it’s guts to determine how bad the short was. I’m stuck with my older tablet laptop, a fijitsu. It can do basically one thing at […]
Nov 11/30/2023
Well today was going so well. Did all the mundane things loaded the dishwasher, washed the pots and pans by hand. Made pancakes for the kiddo. Made coffe for the partner. So well. Project: Todd and the Fae ** Artist Blog ** Worked on the comic, and we know my digital drawing skills have a […]
Nov 11/30/2023
Project: Rebecca’s Manuscript ** Author Blog ** Anyway the bad news, turns out my book Rebecca’s Manuscript, the scrivener file for the most recent version (7) is corrupted. My back up on google drive is corrupted. My back up on github is also corrupted. The backup on my backup drive is corrupted too. So yeah. […]
Nov 11/28/2023
Well. It’s been a while. We’ve been working on lots of redm server ideas and scripts for months, but still in burn out. Project: Rebecca’s Manuscript and Todd and the Fae ** Author Blog ** I’m working on my books again, not part of NaNoWriMo. Just trying to finish it. Signed up for a Ream […]
Nov 11/28/2023
Well. It’s been a while. We’ve been working on lots of redm server ideas and scripts for months, but still in burn out. Project: Rebecca’s Manuscript and Todd and the Fae ** Author Blog ** I’m working on my books again, not part of NaNoWriMo. Just trying to finish it. Signed up for a Ream […]
Struthless and the Alphabet Superset
Art Challenge In case anyone wants to do a creative challenge with me. I’m going to do 3 versions of this challenge which covers all the art I wanted to do this year as part of my goals. Set Your Scope ######## #495049 ######## #57898a ######## #b3b89a ######## #ccae66 ######## #cb9362 Set Your Scope Set […]