Our first craft fair after the fire.

This entry is part 14 of 20 in the series Glass Artist

Fall 2016

Our displays are all made out of scrap lumber and donated supplies. One friend even donated a spining display rack, which we decorated with donated garland. We had a great time, and it was a good experience to get out and about, and to see people again. It was a rought year and we were really proud to have made enough items to even show up at a craft fair. At that fair we had a selection of classic earrings styles, steampunk earring styles, glass swizzle sticks, glass icicle oranments, beaded icicle ornaments, and glass honey dips in a variety of sizes.

We are reviewing these image and our notes as we prep for 2021 craft fairs since 2020 has been consumed by a Global Pandemic. Since indoor craft fairs may not be realistic for a while we are examining what we need to do to prepare for outdoor festivals. Some examples of supplies, are tents, tables, chairs, electrical extension cable, outdoor displays. Water and wind proffing ideas. There’s a lot to think about and change. Let us know what your doing to adapt from indoor fairs to outdoor fairs.

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Crafted By Little Dragons