08 Sep, 2024

Story Board – Analog – Frame 008

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 008. No change still struggling with the Trolley shape and perspective. Including because I tried drawing it differently in the page layout rough draft that I worked on this week. Added the shadows and some color. This is after the shield spell […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 007

This entry is part 51 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae In this frame Todd has finished the protection spell, still working out the details of what magic looks like to him since this is a first person story, while I’m not sticking to first person camera view, I am trying to make each shot reflect what Todd would […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 004

This entry is part 51 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika courses, but switched to analog art. I can’t get my brain to engage with the digital art methods the same way I can do with pencil and paper. Giving this a try for a month and see how far I get. I’ve […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 004.5

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 4. Title Frame, Penciled and colored storyboard. Added a medium shot, angled down, trying to make the character seem smaller than the creeping shadows. What classes are you taking? Manga Comics for Beginners: From Concept to Creation  A course by Natalia […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 008

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 008. Not quite sure how to draw this one, […]

1 min read

Story Board- Analog – Frame 006

This entry is part 51 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 006. First attempt at representing magic. Todd draws […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 005

This entry is part 8 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 005. This is Todd looking down the street […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 004

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog. As I mentioned yesterday I also rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 004. Full Body shot, Todd walking.arriving at the trolley stop. Shadows of evil magic creeping around […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 003

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, but switched to analog art. I also revisited some common advise for new authors about checking the voice you use, checking genere expectations, and decided to rewrite the book in first person from Todd’s perspective. So the new frames are based […]

1 min read