08 Sep, 2024
Been a weird month. As I’ve mentioned before, my primary goal this year is my health. So in alignment with that I spent quite a bit of time making appointments,…
Blog Weekly Update 6/9/2024 My partner being the wonderful dragon that he is, suggested that instead of building a little town or fighting my brain, I could use my brain…
Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae This is a new frame. To break up the flow. This frame the perspective is shifted. the vanision point is on the left…
VLog Weekly Update 6/2/2024 2nd Week of May Dug through some closets and boxes and found more of my supplies. There are still some inks missing. Some paints and brushes,…
Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 008. No change still struggling with the Trolley shape and perspective. Including because I tried drawing it…

Story Board – Analog – Frame 010

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 010. This frame is the view of the Trolley […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 009

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. I think the frames with the Trolley will be Scene 1, and all the market […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 008

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 008. Not quite sure how to draw this one, […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 007

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 007.  Todd has completed the protection spell and […]

1 min read

Story Board- Analog – Frame 006

This entry is part 51 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 006. First attempt at representing magic. Todd draws […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 005

This entry is part 8 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog, I rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective, and added 3 pages, and quite a few frames to the project. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 005. This is Todd looking down the street […]

1 min read

Story Board – Analog – Frame 004

This entry is part 6 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and switched to analog. As I mentioned yesterday I also rewrote the chapter to be first person, Todd’s perspective. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 004. Full Body shot, Todd walking.arriving at the trolley stop. Shadows of evil magic creeping around […]

1 min read