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How to make a comic in 6 days – Day 1

This entry is part 24 of 43 in the series Artist Blog

Free Digital Download. Home school lesson. (** Page contains affiliate links.** )

How to make a comic in 6 days. Available on Canva.

Physical Books:

Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels by Scott McCloud

Reinventing Comics: The Evolution of an Art Form by Scott McCloud

Stan Lee’s Master Class: Lessons in Drawing, World-Building, Storytelling, Manga, and Digital Comics by Stan Lee

Timing for Animation, Second Edition 2nd Edition by John Halas OBE (Author), Harold Whitaker (Author), Tom Sito (Editor)

Web Sources:

Series Navigation<< How to make a comic in 6 days – Day 2How to make a comic in 6 days – Day 6 >>