08 Sep, 2024
Been a weird month. As I’ve mentioned before, my primary goal this year is my health. So in alignment with that I spent quite a bit of time making appointments,…
Blog Weekly Update 6/9/2024 My partner being the wonderful dragon that he is, suggested that instead of building a little town or fighting my brain, I could use my brain…
Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae This is a new frame. To break up the flow. This frame the perspective is shifted. the vanision point is on the left…
VLog Weekly Update 6/2/2024 2nd Week of May Dug through some closets and boxes and found more of my supplies. There are still some inks missing. Some paints and brushes,…
Project: WebComic – Todd and the Fae This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 008. No change still struggling with the Trolley shape and perspective. Including because I tried drawing it…

Back to School

Well, I’ve rejoined the ranks of older generations trying to finish their University degrees. At least I’m not alone. “Students over age 35, who accounted for 17 percent of all college and graduate students in 2009, are expected to comprise 19 percent of that total by 2020.” “Back to School: Older Students on the Rise […]

1 min read