08 Sep, 2024

Dec 12/4/2023

This entry is part 13 of 43 in the series Artist Blog

Well it’s been a fun weekend. Computer blew a connection. No stress, tension or power surges. And a port shorted out. It’s unplugged pending a cleaning and closer examination of it’s guts to determine how bad the short was. I’m stuck with my older tablet laptop, a fijitsu. It can do basically one thing at […]

1 min read

Dec 12/4/2023

This entry is part 14 of 43 in the series Artist Blog

Well it’s been a fun weekend. Computer blew a connection. No stress, tension or power surges. And a port shorted out. It’s unplugged pending a cleaning and closer examination of it’s guts to determine how bad the short was. I’m stuck with my older tablet laptop, a fijitsu. It can do basically one thing at […]

1 min read