08 Sep, 2024

Nov 11/30/2023

This entry is part 15 of 43 in the series Artist Blog

Well today was going so well. Did all the mundane things loaded the dishwasher, washed the pots and pans by hand. Made pancakes for the kiddo. Made coffe for the partner. So well. Project: Todd and the Fae ** Artist Blog ** Worked on the comic, and we know my digital drawing skills have a […]

8 mins read

Nov 11/30/2023

This entry is part 16 of 43 in the series Artist Blog

Project: Rebecca’s Manuscript ** Author Blog ** Anyway the bad news, turns out my book Rebecca’s Manuscript, the scrivener file for the most recent version (7) is corrupted. My back up on google drive is corrupted. My back up on github is also corrupted. The backup on my backup drive is corrupted too. So yeah. […]

6 mins read