16 Sep, 2024

Story Board – Digital – Frame 006

This entry is part 37 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: Todd and the Fae WebComic : Frame 006 I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and using Goodnotes to work on the rough draft. This is Chapter 1 : Scene 1 : Frame 6. It’s a shot of the table with the wagon behind it. What classes are you taking for Story Boarding Comics? […]

1 min read

Story Board – Digital – Frame 005

This entry is part 38 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: Todd and the Fae WebComic : Frame 005 I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and using Goodnotes to work on the rough draft. This is Chatper 1 : Scene 1 : Frame 5. It’s a one shot, single character speaking about the previous frame. What classes are you taking for Story Boarding Comics? […]

1 min read

Story Board – Digital – Frame 004

This entry is part 39 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: Todd and the Fae WebComic : Frame 004 I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and using Goodnotes to work on the rough draft. This is Chatper 1 : Scene 1 : Frame 4. It’s a distance shot of a Vargo (Romani Wagon). Which angle would be best, looking down at it, or looking […]

1 min read

Storyboard Draft – Digital – Frame 003

This entry is part 40 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: Todd and the Fae WebComic : Frame 003 Storyboard I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and using Goodnotes to work on the rough draft. This is Chapter 1, Scene 1, Frame 3. It’s a long distance shot Cleveland Square Park based on a post card from the 1920’s which I’m using as a […]

1 min read

Storyboard Draft – Digital – Frame 002

This entry is part 41 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: Todd and the Fae WebComic : Frame 002 – StoryBoard I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and using Goodnotes to work on the rough draft. This is Chatper 1 : Scene 1 : Frame 2. It’s a long distance shot Cleveland from Lake Erie adjusted vaguely to a 1920 skyline. What classes are […]

1 min read

Storyboard Draft – Digital – Frame 001

This entry is part 42 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: Todd and the Fae WebComic : Frame 001 I’ve been working on the Domestika course, and using Goodnotes to work on the rough draft. This is frame 1. This is the idea for the title page. What classes are you taking for Story Boarding Comics? Manga Comics for Beginners: From Concept to Creation  A […]

1 min read

Week 3 – Jan 20 2024 Blog

This entry is part 3 of 43 in the series Artist Blog

Personal Updates: I’ve been sick and struggling this week. Did some simpler tasks but mostly sleeping and reading. We’ve been getting non stop bands of lake effect snow off Erie all week, it should stop by Monday finally. Warmer weather is around the corner. PC is in pieces, not new info yet. Author Updates: Finished […]

1 min read

Script Draft – Digital – Page 008

This entry is part 43 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: Todd and the Fae WebComic : Script Page 008 I’m working on converting one of my stories into a webcomic, and following the instructions from three domestika classes below to do it. I’m not a digital artist, I’m learning how to do that too. I’m using good notes and google docs for writing. I […]

1 min read

Script Draft – Digital – Page 007

This entry is part 43 of 78 in the series WIP - Todd and the Fae

Project: Todd and the Fae WebComic : Script Page 007 I’m working on converting one of my stories into a webcomic, and following the instructions from three domestika classes below to do it. I’m not a digital artist, I’m learning how to do that too. I’m using good notes and google docs for writing. I […]

1 min read